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Roz Ware


Divine Beauty 

to this powerful and sacred 1:1 container for the woman who is stepping into the fullness of her Divine Feminine power so that she can create her soul's art from a place of true alignment.


And live a beautiful, elegant and luxurious life as she does it.


This container is designed especially for you, the woman who has always known deep down she is a rare gemstone of this world.


And you are here right now because you know, and always have known, that there is something very special about you.


And you're dying to witness it in all it's glory.


You have an innate ability to captivate and hold attention...


And yet in the same breath, you've probably experienced what it feels like to feel unsure of yourself and uncomfortable in your own skin when you talk about yourself or your purpose...


And the beautiful thing is you're exactly where you need to be...


Because your life is about to transform in the most magical way.


If you've ever experienced a lack of confidence and uncertainty because there isn't that solid knowing of who you really are...


And you've felt disconnected from the magnificence of your most expanded self and most divine light...


Then the truth is you are yet to unlock the full expression of your highest self and the potent magic you have to offer the world.


Because when we're not in the fullness of our being, radiance and power, nothing about what we do feels aligned. 


It all feels off.


 I'm sure you've felt how incredibly painful this can be.


For the woman who holds high standards for herself in every aspect of her life experience, she is not willing to settle for less than full alignment...


 Because she knows that every facet of her being is an expression of her soul's essence and radiance in this world.


From her style to the way she carries herself, to her work and her relationships, her home and her environments, from the foods in her body to the art on her wall, everything is a reflection of who she truly is and a source of powerful nourishment and relaxation.


This container has been designed for the woman of luxury and sophistication, who has beautiful soul art to bring to the world that means something to humanity.


You've probably invested in countless business and money programs and learnt like the back of your hand the 3D way to market and run your business...


I'm sure you've been preached to about the out-dated law of attraction ways to manifest...


and still don't feel like you have fully arrived because it hasn't taken you to the depths you need to awaken 'Her'.


And you've probably experienced what it feels like to never truly be able to switch off trying to figure it all out...


Because you're fully aware of the magnetism in you and you know that it's your time.


But, you may not know yet what is true alignment for you or how to bring out the fullness of your Divine Feminine Power...


And I'm here to let you know that I totally feel you, I've been through the initiation myself and I want you to know it's possible to have all of these things your heart desires.


It's time for the Goddess within you to awaken so that she can create the art you were always meant to make.


No matter what your journey has been, I'm here to tell you that this next step is going to completely change the trajectory of your life.


And this is the path to your most beautiful, inspiring, radiant existence.


But it's not easy and it's not a quick fix...


This is for the truly courageous woman, who is ready to go to the depths of her soul, claim all that she desires and devote herself fearlessly to her path and truth.


If you know this is you, if you know in your heart and your soul that this is the path for you, then I invite you to book a call with me to see if this work is right for you now.


I am beyond excited to talk to you!


Because this is what we came here for...

to create art of divine beauty and meaning, and live a beautiful, luxurious life as we do it

I know you are a woman of impeccable style and that you have an eye for things of true beauty, it only adds to your magnetism...

I know how important luxury is to you and how deeply relaxed and nourished you are in those kind of environments - it's why your home is like a sanctuary to you...

I know at your core you are a deeply feminine woman of such grace, sophistication and elegance...

And I know all of this is amplified for you when you are certain in who you are and what you came here to do. 

But most of all, you want to live a life of Beauty.

And a life of Beauty entails our home, our soul sisters, our lovers, our purpose, the foods we put into our bodies, hosting beautiful evenings for friends, the things we surround ourselves with, art, style, nature, soul nourishment, its melting into a book, smelling roses, hot baths, its the ecstasy of being in divine flow, the relaxation we experience in luxury, the euphoria in connection to Spirit and feeling like a total Goddess walking this earth....

It's all a core value for you at the deepest level.

As you live embodied from a high standard and frequency of beauty, femininity, grace and divine truth and service.

Thats Soul Alignment.

And you won't settle on anything less than.

...a message to the ladies coming into this work

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Because I've always known a beautiful life of freedom, luxury and purpose awaited me, but I wasn't able to live it because for a long time I felt very disconnected from the woman I really was.

I knew I was here for something special and yet I had no idea who I was, what my purpose was and lacked certainty in myself.

And it was an incredibly painful experience existing as a low vibrational version of myself for over a decade.

So, I studied relentlessly, trying to discover myself, investing everything I had, tens of thousands into trainings, getting coaching paying $6k+ a month and still I didn't feel like the powerful woman I knew I was.

Which then meant the offers I put out into the world didn't feel aligned, the men I meet weren't on my level, soul sister connections lacked, the abundance I desired didn't show up...

All because I was out of alignment with who I really was and didn't know how to access that.

And what I realised was, none of the training I got facilitated a journey to the depths of the places I needed to go in order to become who I was...

It was going to take me going to the depths of my soul and getting answers direct from it to help me craft the magical, expansive experience I desired.

This was the truly custom experience I was looking for - me.

And what I found along the way was that this process is a true initiation through the Heroine's journey...

it was not easy. Its was downright uncomfortable, confronting, gritty, it even made me sick and it took me time to integrate.

But it was the necessary purging that needed to happen in order for me to become the woman I truly was.

I couldn't find a program that facilitated what I needed, so I've created that within this program for you.

A sacred container that facilitates you connecting to and becoming the woman you were always meant to be.


The Sacred work you'll be initiated into...


The Heroine's Journey

Go on the courageous journey into the depths of your soul as you shift lifetimes of dense conditioning and 3D programming. You will heighten your ability to consciously see what's happening internally and how to create a new, expansive timeline for yourself. 


Sacred Union with Self & Source

Come into Sacred Union with Self and Source as you understand the dynamics of your own masculine and feminine energies for deep Soul Alignment, and how to have your internal masculine show up and support you unconditionally. Learn how to master the art of feeling deeply supported, provided for, taken care of, guided and progressive with your life and creations


Co-creation of your Highest Timeline and Quantum Shifting

Open up your channel to receive clear guidance via a deep connection to Spirit. Learn the ancient art of sacred ritual and ceremony and how you can use it as a powerful and deeply moving medium of consciously creating your desires. Learn how to shift reality and co-create your highest timeline with the divine as you literally become the master of your Universe creating potent magic


Soul Alignment

Uncover the deeper layers of you and your soul's truest essence, remembering who you really are and recognising your true intrinsic value and worthiness so you can shine your brightest light. Expand your feminine gifts, such as sharp intuition, full expression of self and channelling downloads and codes. From this space divine feminine flow flows as the information drops in clear and direct and your unique gifts come to light


Divine Feminine Radiance

Learn the art of Self Worship and Feminine Magnetism, as you radiate from every cell in your being. Watch how your body shifts and changes with the raising of your consciousness and as you build a deep connection to it. Your body is the anchor in the physical realm, and its how we bring desires in from the field into reality, its essential we have a deep connection to it if we want to manifest our desires. Expect fashion and style upgrades here as you ascend into deeper layers of your truth


Living from a Higher Standard

Show up powerfully claiming the life you desire because you know that this is your truth. From this expanded space, we set the standards and boundaries of the life you are meant to be living, meaning you are holding yourself to the standards of your highest self and being the woman who is an energetic match to her desires. Learn the art of how boundaries create deep connection to your soul tribe too


3D business programs will teach you the out-dated cookie cutter formulas to figuring this stuff out...

but the true magnificence and magic of your soul's art can't be accessed this way, it comes from peeling back the energetic layers through the Heroine's journey, to reveal the fullness of your soul


What you'll love about this container...

It's been co-created and channelled via Venus Aphrodite...

Venus/Aphrodite is the Goddess of love, fertility, creation, divine femininity and she is on a mission to awaken the Divine Feminine. She wants to work with beautiful and courageous souls like you, to awaken you to your radiance so that you can inspire the awakening of others too.

And you can sense the women who have been chosen by Venus where her energy lives within them. These are the special, magnetic and alluring, rare gemstones of the world, and you are one of Goddesses who has a soul contract with her.

I've asked Venus to bring those souls to this program, which is why I believe you are here, because you have been chosen by Venus and she wants to co-create with you.

This container has also been channelled via Venus, it was done in complete relaxation, feminine flow and very clear instruction, a skill and something she wishes to pass on to you too because this is when we create our most impact on humanity - when the feminine creates in relaxation and luxury.

It's coded with Rose frequencies...

I get very activated around Roses, which is not surprising as my name means Rose.

The reason they are so activating is because they are a physical representation of Venus. That unparalleled beauty you feel in a Rose, is the same unparalleled beauty in Venus, which is the same energy in you... Something which we will naturally be learning to harness in this work too.

Also, take a deep inhale now, can you smell roses as you look at this page? Yes?

That's because this container has been laced with Rose frequency, a skill you will be able to lace your creations with whatever art your soul is destined to create.

Custom Channelled Experience

You won't find any basic, out-dated law of attraction hacks or NLP techniques here, your experience is individual. And even though we follow the 6 key stages, we are ultimately using your soul as the compass, not a formula. This not only speeds up your transformation, but makes it all the more orgasmic too. Plus, you will have access to my intuitive guidance along the way

Energetic Upgrades

When you come into these containers you will automatically receive energetic upgrades to your system as I will have programmed your container with specific frequencies for your ascension, meaning things will start energetically happening for you behind the scenes too

Fast moving energy

These containers are sacred because when ever you bring something to be released, it gets transmuted immediately into the vortex, and anything you want to create gets expanded upon - your words and energy have tremendous power here


Roz Ware

Divine Feminine Guide, Sacred Union Expert and Channel

Roz works with women to help them show up in the fullness of their being, radiance and power...

so that they can live out their divine destiny and live a beautiful life of luxury and freedom as they do it.

Roz has been many things in life, just like you, and she began life as a fashion stylist and trend forecaster.

Having a love for the luxe life, Roz took her innate people skill talents overseas and became a professional dater being flown around the world with the rich and famous.

Now having coached amazing women all over the world, Roz's coaching journey began 6 years ago and has been teaching women the art of discovering soul alignment in order to deliver our soul's art and attract soul aligned experiences and relationships into our life.

Roz believes that when we come into alignment with ourselves, we naturally attract what it is our soul desires.

From this space she has studied extensively sacred union and masculine/feminine energies, energy work and subconscious reprogramming, quantum shifting, 5D consciousness and conscious creation.

Roz now supports amazing women through the deep work of the heroine's jounrey, into a place of soul alignment so that they can deliver the art they were always meant to deliver and live a luxury life as they do it.

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Divine Beauties 


"I'm left speechless because this type of attunement and intuition of Roz has been phenomenal. This has been a very powerful experience and I feel so held, seen and supported here. I've always desired this high level attunement and deep insights reflected back to me. All the right reflections have been said as we move through this process and it has allowed for tremendous release. Being in this container has been one of the finest experiences I've had."


"In the first week of working with Roz I had already experienced Quantum leaps in how I relate to myself and the people in my life. She's helped me enormously to anchor into the divine feminine and masculine. This has manifested beautiful changes  and transformation in my life and fast - I have an inbox flooded with messages of love and appreciate to start! I'm excited about where our journey will take us as I am guided towards a place of alignment, expression and expansive, exquisite energy. Grateful for Roz's warm enthusiasm, thoughtful questions and deep appreciation for her clients! Its a joy to work with her!"


"Roz has supported me through so much transformation in a few months, I truly feel awakened to myself! We dove deep into embodiment practises for self love, in understanding sexual polarity, sacred union, values, boundaries and high standards, and from this I embodied the wild femininity within! I feel clarity around what I desire and have personally shifted years of conditioning arond being vulnerable and emotional with self, knowing I have support within me. Roz holds a safe space to cultivate the divine connection of inner masculine and feminine energy - this work is truly life altering. The connections in community I have now are of a higher calibre than I have ever experienced before and I feel more connected to myself - which is truly the greatest gift of all!"


- The woman who is in the process of uncovering deeper layers of who she really is so she can step into the fullness of her Divine Feminine Power

- The woman who is ready to show up in the world in the fullness of who she really is

- A courageous woman who is ready to claim it all, go to the depths of her soul and devote herself to this work

- The woman who is deeply nourished by luxury, freedom and femininity and ready to claim the beautiful life she was always meant for

- The woman who knows she is special, a rare gem stone of society 


- Anyone not prepared to go to the depths of themselves or devote themselves to this work

- Anyone in a rush or looking for a quick fix

- Anyone stuck in victim mentality and not taking 100% radical responsibility for themselves


Are you ready?

This is a 6/12 month sacred container to guide you into the highest possible version of you.

In this sacred container you'll get:

- Bi weekly 1:1 calls where you can bring what you are releasing and what you are consciously creating

- 2 in-person VIP days to spend with Roz; one release and relax in nature and the other anchoring your highest timeline in the city

- Voxer Support and check ins: this is not unlimited support, please book a call to discuss terms 

- Access to programs and masterminds launched in our time together that Roz thinks will support you



Not only is the world in the midst of a huge evolution, which I'm sure you feel right now with all of this intense energy...

Particularly after Covid as we throw away old ways of doing things and are forced to bring in new...

But your body is also following suit of this evolution too - things feel really dense right now, and outdated, stagnant even, which is your body ready to leave the current state of consciousness you are in.

There is an awakening within you and the world is also more ready than ever to receive the fullness of your Divinity too.



Divine Beauty?



If your Soul has called you here, this feels right in your body and your Soul says yes, I encourage you to honour this. 


We receive these transmissions and upgrades on a level that is far beyond our human understanding. 


If there is a 'Yes' in you, or you have more questions, then book a free 20 min call with Roz to talk about joining the program on the button below



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