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Roz Ware


Divine Beauty this sacred 1:1 container that's been programmed for you to have a deeply embodied experience as your most radiant, incandescent, exalted self


Where the work is designed to support you in seeing yourself in all your high value, expand what is available to you and for you to feel deeply desirable in yourself.


...and for you to be honoured like the Queen you are by the masculine.


It really is time for you my love.


I know you've been single or without emotional connection and intimacy with men for a long time...


Attracting unavailable, flakey, emotionally avoidant men...


Despite how much work you've done around this.


And I know how soul crushing it can feel to show up for the love your heart so deeply desires and to still not receive it.


But I promise you...


That the women who have been in these deep chambers without the intimacy they desire for so long are ones who are meant for a profound and euphoric level of intimacy.


You are the naturally magnetic beauties I am very excited to work with, because I know you are the one's meant for magic and not-commonly-found experiences.


I'm here to tell you that as a woman who has been through the initiation too, even though this work is challenging I want you to know that this next step is going to completely change the trajectory of your life.


Taking you down the path to your most beautiful, radiant existence.


But it's not easy and it's not a quick fix...


This is for the truly courageous woman, who is ready to go to the depths of her soul, claim all that she desires and devote herself fearlessly to her path and truth.


If you know this is you, if you know in your heart and soul that this is the path for you, then I invite you to book a call with me to see if this work is right for you now.


I am beyond excited to talk to you!




Is this for you?

You will know if this is for you if...


>> You've been single or without emotional intimacy with a man for a long time and don't understand why, even though you're doing the work


>> You attract unavailable men, who have no intention to connect with you emotionally - beware, you can sometimes think these men are special/soul mates!


>> Even though you are a deeply sensual woman, you can't be the fully expressed and intimate Goddess you really are around men


>> You have blocks to receiving intimacy and thinking this is possible for you


>> You are aware you have man scarcity tendencies and think you have unattainable taste in men


>> You have resistance telling a guy what you want, in fear that the commitment will make him run away


>> You find it hard to express your emotions with a guy and be upfront with what you need


>> You aren't able to break past deep challenging emotions with yourself, the same deep feelings of being unloved, unwanted or not good enough keep returning...but you're prepared to go deep and devote yourself to your transformation


>> You don't believe in settling, although you have been with the type of men you attract


>> You KNOW you are special and that you are meant for truly mind-blowing intimacy - you want the best for yourself!

"I feel alive! You've seriously helped awaken a giant in my soul. I feel like I've had an orgasm in my mind, I felt the veil lift and certain that all my wants and desires will be met!"


Imagine how it's going to feel to...

>> See and finally understand why you've been without the intimacy you want and how to change that


>> Shift past those deep heavy energies you've been trying to shift for so long


>> Transform your yearning for men into grace, radiance and magnetism


>> Finally leave that one guy you have stuck in your head behind and radically raise your standards and boundaries


>> Not waste your time wondering, hoping, wishing and waiting on him but be empowered by your standards


>> Not fear rejection anymore, but have it increase your worth 


>> Feel relaxed in your energy and not having to work so hard and force things to happen


>> Experience men wanting to take care of you, honour you and show up for you


>> And to recognise why you are so innately valuable, highly desirable and completely magnetic


Together you and I will be working on...

>> Your resistance to men and why you think this isn't possible for you


>> Transforming the toxic behaviour you have experienced with men and using it to open up and expand your power


>> Looking at your relationships with your own internal masculine and feminine energies to transform your relationship with attracting and keeping men


>> Feeling completely safe to express yourself and witnessing how much connection happens because of it


>> Being able to show up more and more as the embodied, incandescent, exalted version of yourself, seeing how your authenticity and open heart is the most magnetic thing about you


>> Switching on your sexual energy and feeling creative life force energy running through your veins


>> Working with your cycle: you are quite literally coded for power here and this is how you get truly in tune with your body and spirit


>> Powerfully claiming the wants and desires you have


>> And reclaiming your own infinite power as the radiant, Divine Feminine Goddess you are


Because you see, know and feel the DEEP value within yourself 


I am going to take you through a number of different releasing and embodiment practises to help you get back into your body and away from fear based being

To release those deep energies holding you back, that aren't part of who you really are so that you can step deeper and deeper into the highest, most desirable version of yourself

And here's how we're going to do it...

Sacred Union within self.


This is where it all begins.


Understanding your own internal masculine and feminine energies...


Recognising that we attract experiences that match the relationship we have with our inner masculine and feminine energy.


And powerfully transforming that into massive expansion forward into the true desires of your heart.


Bringing forward the vision you have and anchoring it into your physical reality.

This is the divine Ascension process you're going to experience inside this container...

You will be consciously creating the intimacy you want to experience.


And we do this via channelling the vision and anchoring that into reality using your body.


Via the gateway of emotions.


The vision comes in via the gateway of the emotions, to be anchored into reality via your physical body.


Here's how it works...

Ascension Flow.001.png

Your body is the receiver and transmitter of your desire...

It holds all the codes and frequencies that make up who you are and what you experience...

And you shift that by working with it and creating a deep and intimate relationship with it.

The Container:

This is a 6 month VIP, 1:1 sacred container to work with Roz Ware in her highest level offering with the highest access to her


>> Upon arrival, you will receive a welcome video of me introducing you to the work involved, my story, internal blocks and my own experiences with this work and what you’ll need to do to prepare for our sessions


>> You’ll have bi-weekly sessions with me, these are not weekly as you will need proper time to relax and integrate your breakthroughs


>> Access to me via Voxer Voicenote app to ask your questions between sessions - think of this as an ascension portal, where everything you bring to it either gets transmuted or expanded into your reality in the moment (this is not unlimited though as this does not aid your ascension, but to encourage you to come to your own conclusions - see contracts for details)


>> You’ll get access to ‘Understanding Men’ Masterclass to help you do just that and learn how to be an energetic match to the Divine Masculine


>> Access to the private client archive of many different releasing techniques and embodiment practises to aid you in your ascension 


>> You’ll receive The Frequency of Beauty Activation audio, to help you on a daily basis activate your most radiant, beautiful self


>> A womb cleansing trainings as well as how to transmute fear into divine power using the power of your womb


>> A sexy audio story, think 50 shades meets Divine Masculine in short story form, to help you feel and experience intimacy in your system



"Dating always felt like a disappointment because I was always anticipating the man I liked wouldn't return my interest. I attracted unavailable, unhealthy men, and I wasn't able to ask for what what I needed and without being 'needy'. Working with you Roz changed that through the deep soul work, tuning into my intuition and healing of my own inner masculine. Now I am able to stand more in what I love, who I am, what I need and communicate my boundaries in a healthy way that has set me up to receive a man who wants to honour all of those things that embody and now that these men are showing up, it all feels so different. I see men who are driven to create safety and want to provide what I need. Men are showing up being vulnerable and state their intentions, taking the lead in a way I haven't experienced in years, if ever!"


"I've been working with Roz for a week and have already experienced quantum leaps in how I relate to myself and the people in my life. She's helped me enormously to anchor into the divine feminine and masculine. This has manifested beautiful changes and transformation - an inbox flooded with messages of love and appreciation for a start! I'm excited to see where our journey will take us and confident that I'm being guided towards a place of alignment and exquisite energy. Grateful for Roz' warm enthusiasm, thoughtful questions and deep appreciation for her clients. It's a joy to work her with her!"


"I have been left speechless because this type of attunement has been phenomenal...This has been a very powerful experience. I've always desired this high level attunement and deep insights reflected back to me to help me ascend. All the right reflections have been said and it has allowed for tremendous release. Being in this container has been one of the finest experiences I've ever had."


"Roz has supported me through so much transformation in a few months and I truly feel awakened in myself! The container was so powerful and I've never felt so in touch with my innate value than with you! We moved through so much shadow and went to the depths of my being! It was so powerful! We dove deep into embodiment practises for self love, understanding my sexual polarity, diving into evaluating my value system, boundaries and standards in relationships, and from this I embodied the wild femininity within! I feel clarity around what I desire and have personally shifted years of conditioning around being vulnerable and emotional with self, knowing I have support within me Roz holds safe space to cultivate the divine connection of inner masculine and feminine energy - this work is truly life altering. The connections in community I have now are of a higher calibre that I have ever experienced before and I feel more connected to myself - which is truly the greatest gift of all."


Almost a decade ago now, Roz was a professional dater being flown around the world to very exclusive and luxury places with very masculine and successful men...

And not surprisingly she was in patterns of falling head over heals for very uncommitted, emotionally unavailable men. Being around these men she developed a very unworthy image of herself, went deep into man scarcity and felt very undesirable.

Around these men she couldn't express herself, couldn't be the intimate lover she really wanted to be and was always waiting on them to make a move.

But when she decided to powerfully claim what she wanted and went DEEP into sacred union with self, it all became clear as to why this was happening and how she could take radical responsibility moving forward to change her reality.

And she now helps women feel deeply honoured and taken care of by the masculine, by supporting them in stepping into the fullness of their Divine Feminine Radiance.

About Roz

If you are feeling the call come into this work, reach out to Roz now as spaces are very limited. Message her via Instagram DMs and tell her why this container would be truly transformational for you, and she will discuss with you whether this work is right for you.

She can't wait to hear from you!

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