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Roz Ware

Does this sound familiar?

The men you meet are just not quite right...


They are either really attractive, totally your type and yet they have no emotional depth, they're flakey, don't contact you much and make you feel like you have to chase them…


Or you meet guys who are clearly into you, but they don’t have the masculine presence you’re really looking for. Sometimes they are too loving and shower you with praise, love and admiration, but you can’t meet them at their level of devotion, you feel yourself pulling back from them…


But really when it comes down to it, it’s because they don’t match the one guy you have stuck in the back of your mind. He’s the one you would choose, but it’s been a no contact situation for a while.


All of this makes you feel like you can’t have what you want.


It makes you doubt your ability to have the man you want and whether that’s really available to you...


That you have to chase the one’s you want…

Getting attached to them…


And not able to let go and really get into vibration with attracting men who are ALL of what you’re looking for.


For years I’d yo-yo back and fourth between masculine men who I was deeply attracted to but emotionally unavailable, and feminine men who would shower me with love but I just wasn’t as attracted to them as they were me. 

I felt hopeless in love and it sent me further down into man scarcity, thinking what I wanted wasn’t available to me.

But there were MANY reasons why this wasn’t happening for me, none of it having anything to do with what I wanted not being available to me.

1: When I was alone I would be coming from a very disempowered state, being aware of the fact things hadn’t worked out for me in love, I’d lead from what I was lacking, thinking it wasn't possible to have what I wanted and no man would be likely to approach me

2: I would then show up around men putting on a facade, trying to be something I wasn’t and leading from masculine energy which is energetically repulsive to masculine men

3: Because I wasn’t excited and connected to what it was that I really wanted, I had little motivation to do much about it, and therefore wasn’t doing the necessary work to CONSCIOUSLY CREATE what I wanted

4: I wasn’t able to stay in feminine energy, I’d constantly drop my vibration and go into deep periods of immense anxiety, feeling very low and insecure about myself and energetically repel men

5: I’d feel shame getting stuck on men and not feeling like I was moving forward

But when I started to shift these very dense energies, the connections I had then changed dramatically…

I didn’t just start to attract and create chemistry with emotionally available men, I started to create mind-blowing connection that both of us couldn’t get enough of. 

He would be blown away by my femininity; my intuition that penetrated deep into his soul, how detached I was and the freedom I gave him made him want to come to me more, how deeply I respected myself and he then reciprocating showing me how much he honoured me, how safe they felt around my authenticity and my ability to communicate my needs and what I wanted, and how my warmth made them finally feel the deep love, appreciation and admiration they had been looking for.

When I sorted out the energetics, stepped into my unique feminine gifts and consciously created the reality I wanted, everything changed.


About Roz

"Dating always felt like a disappointment because I was always anticipating the man I liked wouldn't return my interest. I attracted unavailable, unhealthy men, and I wasn't able to ask for what what I needed and without being 'needy'.


Working with you Roz changed that through the deep soul work, tuning into my intuition and healing of my own inner masculine.


Now I am able to stand more in what I love, who I am, what I need and communicate my boundaries in a healthy way that has set me up to receive a man who wants to honour all of those things that embody and now that these men are showing up, it all feels so different.


I see men who are driven to create safety and want to provide what I need. Men are showing up being vulnerable and state their intentions, taking the lead in a way I haven't experienced in years, if ever!"

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To feel confident in your abilities to attract what you want as well as feeling abundant in your options 


To feel empowered around men, not be in your head about what to say or how to act, but to love the woman who shows up in their presence


To be pursued by men whilst also having an equal level of interest  


To be around emotionally available men that turn you on


To start experiencing beautiful depth, intensity and off-the-charts connection and chemistry


And to see if things could actually work with the guy you have stuck in t he back of your mind

Do you know why most women don't experience the depth of connection they desire?

If you are attracting emotionally unavailable men, it is because there are places you haven’t explored emotionally within yourself yet.


These men are meeting you at the same emotional depth that you have gone to in yourself.


If you're having to do the chasing and get attached to men, its because you aren't embodied in the Feminine Attraction Energetics.


And if you feel like the dating landscape is bleak and you don't have many options, its because you have conditioned your mind to think this way...


And so the deeper you go into this work the more you will find that you automatically create profound depth with men very easily.

"Even after the first week of working with Roz I already experienced quantum leaps in how I relate to myself and the people in my life.


She's helped me enormously to anchor into the divine feminine and masculine.


This has manifested beautiful changes and transformation - an inbox flooded with messages of love and appreciation for a start!


I'm excited to see where our journey will take us and confident that I'm being guided towards a place of alignment and exquisite energy.


Grateful for Roz' warm enthusiasm, thoughtful questions and deep appreciation for her clients. It's a joy to work her with her!"




1: Understanding

if we don’t understand men on a deep energetic level, how can we expect to connect deeply with them? I believe its our duty to not only understand ourselves but our partners too if we are truly here for a MUTUAL connection 



Sexual Polarity

Learn the energetics of Sexual Polarity and masculine & feminine energy, to create the deep spiritual attraction and euphoria you are craving in both of you


Learn how to communicate with men in a way that opens the gates to depth, has the connection growing in intensity and you completely in your element around men

Man Attraction

Learn how to start attracting men who are on your level and want the same things as you using the power of your desire, boundaries and conscious creation

Energy Work

Discover through deep 1:1 work why you have been repelling intimacy and men, doing the work that makes you a woman men are blown away by and haven’t experienced before

Understand Men

Become advanced in understanding men, being the woman who understands him like no other woman has before, so you can connect on a deep level, raise the value that men naturally perceive in you, relax and be your confident sexy self in the presence of him

Training Videos

Upon arrival, an extensive training video exclusive for all 1:1 clients to educate you on everything you need to know about men and creating depth with them - this will become your bible throughout our journey together

And when you bring all these elements together, you have the power to create a connection with men that literally has his body aching for you, where he will see you as a one-of-a-kind woman that puts him in states of feeling he's probably never experienced before

"Roz has supported me through so much transformation in a few months and I truly feel awakened in myself!


The container was so powerful and I've never felt so in touch with my innate value than with you! We moved through so much shadow and went to the depths of my being! It was so powerful!


We dove deep into embodiment practises for self love, understanding my sexual polarity, diving into evaluating my value system, boundaries and standards in relationships, and from this I embodied the wild femininity within!


I feel clarity around what I desire and have personally shifted years of conditioning around being vulnerable and emotional with self, knowing I have support within me Roz holds safe space to cultivate the divine connection of inner masculine and feminine energy - this work is truly life altering.


The connections in community I have now are of a higher calibre that I have ever experienced before and I feel more connected to myself - which is truly the greatest gift of all."

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By becoming a private client of Roz's you will:


- Have bi-weekly 1:1 private calls via Zoom with Roz


- Have Voxer voicenote access to support you throughout and be able to ask your questions and get feedback on the men you are in connection with


- Get access to exclusive private client training videos and resources

Clients must fulfil the following criteria...

- this work is not easy, there are going to be stages in intimacy with him that require you to really pull yourself together and let your BS go


- you are going to have to let go of the ‘little girl’ in you who wants to hurry things along, feels entitled, manipulates, or tries to convince herself she is better than other women, this is about you stepping into womanhood


- you are going to have to get down to some nitty gritty work of learning the power of letting go whilst also holding your power and love for them - this is not easy


- you are going to be expected to have a certain level of self awareness already to identify internal resistance, your 1:1 calls are for us to explore this, but you need to develop your own skills of intuiting what’s going on as this 1:1 container is not a co-dependency where you rely on me, I am your guide but this is about YOUR own expansion and responsibility to take


- by coming into this program it is a prerequisite that you are now working on developing a new connection to your body being in celebration of it, as this is a foundational piece of your work here. Once mastered, it will enable you to create an entirely different level of connection with men via your own body


- you will be required to consciously create, which means you will need to be devoted to this work in order to see change - If you commit yourself, you will see radical change and quickly - no devotion means no results


- please be aware that a self pleasure practise may be assigned to you in this work because of the benefits of anchoring new frequencies in the body via pleasure, if self pleasure is not something you are willing to do this program is not for you


Step 1:

Fill out the application form here so I can learn more about you

Step 2:

If I feel this is a good fit I will reach out to you and respond to your application usually within 48 hours to book a short 20 minute call with you

Step 3:

If by the end of the call we decide it's a good fit, I will then guide you on the next steps forward


Almost a decade ago now, Roz was a professional dater, being flown around the world to fabulous places being on the arm of exceptionally successful men.

She dated hundreds of men, and became fascinated with how she could activate men with her energy, and ways in which she could heighten the connection and chemistry she could evoke in any situation, even with incredibly challenging men.

Now, for the last 5 years, Roz has been an Intimacy and Chemistry coach to women who are looking to create the depth, passion and connection they are really looking for.

She brings a combination of in-depth and advanced understanding of men and sexual polarity so that you can connect deeply to them, with conscious internal work to help you align to the frequencies that make you match to what you desire, as well as being able to hold the necessary feminine energetics that create deep attraction with masculine men.

Who is Roz Ware?


Ask Roz about in-person VIP days in London where you will experience Roz in action, talking to men where she will also coach you on approaching men too

"Through working with Roz I am attracting high value, masculine men that possess the qualities and a level of character that is important to me.
Learning to communicate in a way that connects and genuinely “lands” with a high value masculine Man has been an incredible learning and skill that I have learned and developed working with Roz. 
I know I am a high value feminine woman, and I have learned so much from working with Roz. 
Her gifts, knowledge and practical application is a blessing to high value feminine women and needed."




Step 1:

Fill out the application form here so I can learn more about you

Step 2:

If I feel this is a good fit I will reach out to you and respond to your application usually within 48 hours to book a short 20 minute call with you

Step 3:

If by the end of the call we decide it's a good fit, I will then guide you on the next steps forward

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