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to this very special, sexy and highly transformative 1:1 container.


A place for you to activate your natural abilities to create mind blowing intimacy with men.


The kind where you, and the men you're with, will be blown away because you haven't experienced this level of depth, meaning, electricity and magic before.


With access to high level work that evokes the elevated, highly desirable, high value woman from within you who has the power and ability to hold powerful frequencies of what she wants.




Here's what you're going to learn to master:

Align with your Divine Feminine Frequency to become an energetic match for and evoke the Masculine King you desire. Using these powerful energies you will learn how to create deep sexual polarity, desire and energetic attraction with men effortlessly


Learn how to harness your emotions and hold your frequency and power through the challenges deeper intimacy requires of you. This is feminine power, to not chase but to hold the energy and BE a magnetic woman


Understanding men on a deep energetic level, how their mind works and how they operate not only makes communicating with men easy, but it's your duty to know your man. This alone radically raises your value. Watch his face and energy shift immediately as he realises how much you get him. In this work you'll learn how the art of communicating with men that draws them in effortlessly to you


We can only receive the depth of intimacy that we have gone to within ourselves. This 1:1 work will evoke and challenge you to a deep internal reprogramming of your system and beliefs. It is not easy, it is a full on initiation that will require you to hold out through some very challenging energies. But I will be here to support and guide you through these highly transformative breakthrough points




Here you will get access to the powerful 1:1 activation calls where we will be shifting key energies stopping you receiving the intimacy you want. You will also have further support via Voxer voicenotes coaching to support the continuation of your transformation and for you to ask questions on handling the men in your life 



For those of you wanting extra support and to be able to ask questions and get my perspective, there is also a Voxer only voicenote option. ​

Private message Roz now via the link below for info and to claim your space now


Here's what others have to say about this work...


"Dating always felt like a disappointment because I was always anticipating the man I liked wouldn't return my interest. I attracted unavailable, unhealthy men, and I wasn't able to ask for what what I needed and without being 'needy'. Working with you Roz changed that through the deep soul work, tuning into my intuition and healing of my own inner masculine. Now I am able to stand more in what I love, who I am, what I need and communicate my boundaries in a healthy way that has set me up to receive a man who wants to honour all of those things that embody and now that these men are showing up, it all feels so different. I see men who are driven to create safety and want to provide what I need. Men are showing up being vulnerable and state their intentions, taking the lead in a way I haven't experienced in years, if ever!"


"I've been working with Roz for a week and have already experienced quantum leaps in how I relate to myself and the people in my life. She's helped me enormously to anchor into the divine feminine and masculine. This has manifested beautiful changes and transformation - an inbox flooded with messages of love and appreciation for a start! I'm excited to see where our journey will take us and confident that I'm being guided towards a place of alignment and exquisite energy. Grateful for Roz' warm enthusiasm, thoughtful questions and deep appreciation for her clients. It's a joy to work her with her!"


"I have been left speechless because this type of attunement has been phenomenal...This has been a very powerful experience. I've always desired this high level attunement and deep insights reflected back to me to help me ascend. All the right reflections have been said and it has allowed for tremendous release. Being in this container has been one of the finest experiences I've ever had."


"Roz has supported me through so much transformation in a few months and I truly feel awakened in myself! The container was so powerful and I've never felt so in touch with my innate value than with you! We moved through so much shadow and went to the depths of my being! It was so powerful! We dove deep into embodiment practises for self love, understanding my sexual polarity, diving into evaluating my value system, boundaries and standards in relationships, and from this I embodied the wild femininity within! I feel clarity around what I desire and have personally shifted years of conditioning around being vulnerable and emotional with self, knowing I have support within me Roz holds safe space to cultivate the divine connection of inner masculine and feminine energy - this work is truly life altering. The connections in community I have now are of a higher calibre that I have ever experienced before and I feel more connected to myself - which is truly the greatest gift of all."

Apply now for this transformative 1;1 work 

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